kaboho coulibaly

Kule sculptor, ca. 1900–1992
Lafi, Côte d'Ivoire


The kule carver Kaboho Coulibaly from Lafi learned carving from his older brother Pegnaféhé Coulibaly (d. 1968) in the nearby village of Maranama. Later he worked with the kule carver Yeralo (presumably Yeralo Koné from Ouazomon) in Boundiali and changed his style of carving.

An early carving by Kaboho Coulibaly is a figure carved in circa 1950, shown on this photo from 1978. The figure was in the possession of the Dyeli group in Lafi, who replaced it with a new one in 1978. They called the figure Dolo (pounder).


Dolo figure carved by Kaboho Coulibaly. Photo: Karl-Heinz Krieg, Lafi (Region of Boundiali, Côte d’Ivoire), 1978


Private notes taken in the field, Karl-Heinz Krieg

Text: Helen Krieg and Daniel Mato, PhD